Feature Ideas

  1. Add more stock avatars

    In the comments, you can write what avatars in the library you are missing

    Nikita Bogdanov
    #Improvement 👍


  2. Make avatars from photo (like SadTalker/D-ID/etc...)

    Lighter version of rendering/lipsync allowing to create avatars instantly from photo

    Vladimir Ivashkin


  3. Add more templates

    Add templates consisting of several pages. 16x9 templates.

    Nikita Bogdanov
    #Improvement 👍


  4. change avatar clothes

    Is it possible to change avatar clothes based on text prompts like in other ai video generators?

    #Deal Breaker 💔


  5. Speed of voice adjustment

    Make voice slower/faster to adjust text and avatar

    Vladimir Ivashkin
    #Improvement 👍


  6. Gestural control of the avatar

    In addition to facial dynamic expressions, we can add avatar gesture control.

    Nikita Bogdanov
    #Improvement 👍


  7. Support for two avatars in one scene

    Add the ability to place two avatars on the same stage, each with their own separate script.

    Nikita Bogdanov
    #Improvement 👍


  8. Add subtitles

    Add subtitles to videos you create.

    Nikita Bogdanov
    #Improvement 👍


  9. Face Swap

    Choose an avatar then Click the FaceSwap icon. Upload clear, camera-facing photos of a person's face. Avoid side face photos, overexposure, and blocked faces. Click on a photo to swap faces.



  10. Preview Music

    The possibility to listen to the music before adding it to the video.

    Nikita Bogdanov
    #Improvement 👍


  11. Randomize the movement of avatars

    Arms moving exactly the same way at the beginning of each new scene still lets the avatar look automated. Maybe you can add a figure like random movements? Or randomizing the movement itself?

    Aleksei Levushkin


  12. Create a text script for audio uploads so emotions can be added to them or synced with them.

    Dallas Lea M


  13. Place buttons below the text box that allow for quick selection of emotions on and off as we add text as opposed to typing in tags

    Dallas Lea M


  14. Interface for voice cloning

    Now you need to send your voice sample to email team@spiritme.tech. Do we need an interface for uploading audio in Studio/app?

    Vladimir Ivashkin
    #Improvement 👍


  15. Agency Grade Tier/Plan

    I am aware that a tier 4 is in the pipeline with more custom avatars options. Please include a LTD Tier which has features/functions suited to utility to an Agency use level/B2B capability. Please include the following in the higher LTD plans if not already included: -Magic Avatars -Custom Talking Photo Avatars -API/WEBHOOK ACCESS

    Stewart M
